
In my ongoing effort to get more organized I’m revisiting bullet journaling and stuff like the calendex system to help keep track of things.

Bullet journaling has always been appealing but it wasn’t until I started consistently block scheduling my time that it seemed applicable.

RIP Meat Loaf

Meat Loaf died Thursday at the age of 74. 2022 isn’t off to a great start, folks.

Most folks recognize Meat Loaf for 1977’s “Paradise By The Dashboard Lights” or, if you’re a generation younger (like myself), 1993’s “I’d Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)”.

I swore I’d love you to the end of time
So now I’m praying for the end of time
If the 4:15 mark doesn’t get a rise out of you you’re dead inside.

My boys like to request and shout-sing along to “I’d Do Anything For Love” and it’s one of my absolute favorite things.

Meat Loaf was also know for his roles in films like The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Fight Club (His name was Robert Paulson) but my personal favorite is his scene stealing and wonderfully ironic cameo as young Jack Black’s anti-rock ultra-religious father in Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny and the most definitely not safe for work or around young children “Kickapoo”.

Rock at your own risk.

Last year, Meat Loaf was interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine to discuss the life of long time collaborator Jim Steinman who had passed away in April, 2021 (which I wrote about in November):

Jim Steinman was such a titanic figure in Meat Loaf’s life, that sharing their saga in a single phone call to Rolling Stone after Steinman’s death simply was not possible. It took two long calls across two days to get it across, and at the end of the first one, Meat Loaf broke down and sobbed uncontrollably over the loss of his friend. “Oh my God!” he moaned. “I haven’t cried until now. It just hit me. Oh my God! It’s horrible!”

Today many folks are saying the same thing about Meat Loaf’s passing.