Toby Andy, Legend

No regrets.

I have such a love/hate relationship with this card.

Love because it was the first gold card I owned and was for a while the only among my playgroup.

Hate because I traded a couple duals and other stuff I wasn’t playing with for it, having no idea what I was giving away for a trash card.

I was playing a white-blue counter weenie surprise deck that consistently cranked out turn 2 Serras thanks to a couple Mana Vault. The gold framed Tobias looked like a good fit to 1994 Jason.

I rotated those bareback Vaults and Tundras and slapped that bad boy Toby onto the concrete like I was about to end the game, and the ooohs and aahhhhs because a mythical Legends card hit the field was music to my ears.

“It’s like a fifth Serra Angel!” some would say.

And they’d be wrong. Oh so wrong. With “WAIT FOR ME!” as a rallying cry, Toby would sit on the battlefield like a lukewarm turd, maybe good for blocking, but otherwise just for show, a waste of a turn and a Vault now ticking away at my precious life.

I’d win. Usually. I’d picked up the art of “playing more than just one of any given card” and “trying to stick to a couple colors instead of three or four” and someone said something about a curve? Yeah, I’d read a Scrye or two.

But Tobias. Useless, golden Tobias.

So yeah, picking up a graded one is kinda a holy grail for me. And it’s only fitting that my first Legends and gold frame card is also my first graded card.