I’ve dug White Stripes since they broke big with “Fell In Love With A Girl” back in the day. Icky Thump is their third album since White Blood Cells and, while fun, it and the two before it (Elephant and Get Behind Me Satan) just aren’t nearly as good as their first three. Still a great album, to be sure, but there’s something about the first three albums that just has a lasting impact that the last few seem to miss. Perhaps it’ll grow on me the more I listen (Get Behind Me Satan failed to impress me until I listened to it for a while), but if you’re not sure about the White Stripes, listen to their first few albums first, get to be a fan, then grab this one.
Choice Tracks: “Icky Thump”, “Rag And Bones”, “300 MPH Torrential Outpour Blues”